How do I renew items I have checked out?


For library materials owned by T.J. Jones/NCU:  

Log in to your JonesSearch account to see what you have checked out and renew items online. ILL items require library staff to renew so see below answer. You can also email, visit the Circulation Desk, or call (612) 343-4492 for all renewal questions. 

For all (ILL) Interlibrary Loan books/materials:

Please email, call, or visit the Circulation Desk when it's getting close (2-3 days) to your item/book due date. Renewals depend on the policies and limits by the lending library and we will check if a renewal is available.

What to expect:

You can hold onto your ILL item until we hear an answer from the lending library. This may take a few days depending on holidays, weekends, etc. 

You'll receive an email about the status and either get a NEW due date

OR a notice that the book was not renewable and must be returned at the original due date.

  • Last Updated Mar 24, 2022
  • Views 39
  • Answered By RW

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