How do I renew books, DVDs, and other items? What if I have an overdue item?

Most loans (items with a loan period of 3 days or more) will automatically be renewed until a final renewal date is reached. For undergraduate students, this end date for a regular book loan occurs 6 months after checkout. Fines won't accrue on long-term loans unless a borrower fails to return an item that is recalled or unless the borrower keeps materials beyond the end renewal date.

Materials with short-term loan periods (such as DVDs and course reserve items) must be renewed or returned by the date due, or fines will accrue.

You can manually renew items

  • online through My Account
  • in person at the Circulation desk
  • by calling 218-726-6120 when the library is open

Learn more about borrowing and renewing library materials.


  • Last Updated May 24, 2021
  • Views 38
  • Answered By Kate Conerton

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