How do I setup Google Scholar to work with the Library Catalog?

Linking to the Library Catalog with Google Scholar enables easier access to scholarly articles and journals


Google Scholar indexes a vast number of citations. You can make Scholar a more effective at finding full-text articles by enabling the University of Minnesota FindIt@UMD tool.  When linked together FIndIt and Google Scholar offer library patrons quick access to scholarly articles, journals, and catalog records for books.

Google Scholar Citation with "FindIt@UMD" enbable


  1. Go to

  2. Sign in with your UMD Credentials in upper right-hand corner.

  3. In the upper left-hand corner, click on the three parallel lines, then on the Gear for Settings

  1. Click on the Library Links Tab.

Google Scholar Library Links Setting

  1. Search for "Minnesota" 
  2. Check the box for "University of Minnesota Duluth - Findit@UMD". You can also add:
  • "World Cat"  for articles/books freely available
  • "University of Minnesota Duluth - ProQuest Full text"

Open World Cat, University of Minnesota Dultuh FindIt Selected

  1. Select "Save"


  • Last Updated Aug 06, 2020
  • Views 62
  • Answered By Kim Pittman

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