Where can I find Minneapolis city directories?


Current directories:


Minneapolis city directories from 1859-1891 have been digitized by the Hennepin County Library and may be viewed online.


Our current Minneapolis city directory is the Cole's Cross-Reference Directory, Minneapolis and Suburbs.

Wilson Library has 1995-present at the call number Quarto F614.M5 C65x.

The latest edition is kept in the "Desk Collection" by the Library Information Desk on the 1st floor.


Older directories:

There have been a number of Minneapolis city directories over the years, with variant titles and publishers. The major ones are listed below. Check MNCAT for exact holdings (we have some gaps) and locations (most are in the stacks, but some are in the Annex or elsewhere).

Merwin's Directory of Minneapolis and St. Anthony

1867 / 976.8M66 D29

Minneapolis City Directory for (date)

1873-1894 / F614.M5 A18x

Davison's Minneapolis City Directory for (date)

1896-1925 / F614.M56 A18x

Minneapolis City Directory (Minneapolis, Minn.)

1926-1951 / Folio F614.M5 A18x

Minneapolis (Hennepin County, Minn.) City Directory

1952-1957 / Folio F614.M5 A18x

Polk's Minneapolis (Hennepin County, Minn.) City Directory

1958-1972 / Folio F614.M5 A18x

Minneapolis (Hennepin County, Minn.) Directory

1973-1983 / Folio F614.M5 A18x

Minneapolis Minnesota city directory

1985-1993 / Folio F614.M5 A18x

Cole's Cross-Reference Directory, Minneapolis and Suburbs

1995-present / Quarto F614.M5 C65x (current volume in Desk Collection)

A few other old directories may be findable under the subject heading

Minneapolis (Minn.) -- Directories


We also own the following collection on microfilm (located in the basement level):

United States city directories. Minneapolis MN

1884-1901, 1904-1941 / Microfilm 2966


  • Last Updated Mar 16, 2021
  • Views 186
  • Answered By Kate McManus

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