How can I donate books or journals to University Libraries?

Thank you for considering a gift to the University of Minnesota Libraries. The Libraries welcomes monetary donations that enable us to enhance our collections and improve our services. To make a financial contribution, please contact the Libraries' Development Office at 612-624-8207.


The Libraries is unable to accept most donations of books and other material including personal or departmental libraries. This policy is due to serious space constraints and the high cost of sorting, reviewing, and processing donated material. Please consider one of these other options for passing along your material: the Friends of the Andersen Horticultural Library for their annual book sale, your local public library, used book stores, or charitable organizations such as Better World Books or Books for Africa.


If you feel your potential gift is of critical research interest to the Libraries (rare or unique items only), please provide additional information via our online form. If your gift contains archival/unpublished materials/personal papers, please contact


If you have further comments or questions, please contact


Thank you for your interest in supporting the University of Minnesota Libraries.


Join Friends of the Libraries

See also:

University Foundation


  • Last Updated Aug 24, 2023
  • Views 147
  • Answered By Kate McManus

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